Bountiful Harvest

This year, in my ongoing effort at sustainable green living, I planted a squash plant in my herb garden.  I also planted a tomato plant and a jalapeno plant, but those have not yet produced a “crop”.  Tonight we enjoyed a healthy summer squash casserole made from my first harvest.



Birthday Boy

Well, I’m a little late.  Finally I’m posting the pictures of Wilson’s 7th birthday.  He had a great day and really enjoyed having Uncle Alex and his family visiting over the weekend.  Grandma and Grandpa arrived on the weekend and stayed until the afternoon on the 16th; Grandma even got up early to eat birthday “Ice Cream” cake with the rest of us.


Give a Cheer

Happy Birthday, Claire…..

Although today is actually Wilson’s 7th birthday, I’m just getting the pictures from Claire’s first birthday posted.  So I guess I’ll have to post the photos of Wilson tomorrow.  Wilson spent the the morning today at LaCrosse Camp, the afternoon opening a “tub of fun” from his grandparents, and the rest of the afternoon playing golf at the Winthrop golf course with his dad.  Mark took the day off today and Wilson has thoroughly enjoyed that special present.

    Claire spent her special day with almost all her family.  Her great grandmother, one set of grandparents and an Aunt/Uncle/Cousin/Cousin crew all joined us for the festivities.  Claire had a “Polka Dot” party and knew exactly what to do with the birthday cake.  Here are a few photos.

      Piggie GirlCakeBedtime

      As Year One Comes to a Close …

      Claire is rapidly approaching her first birthday, when people stop marking time in days and months and begin keeping track by years.  It doesn’t seem like it’s been a year since she arrived.  She is most certainly the most content and unflappable baby.  Here are a few shots of her most recent activities.Mommy and Claire My First Donut Tubby Time More Bubbles