Oh No! I was tagged….

… and now I must reply so that Nichole knows I read the blog.

Five things 25-year-old Chloe didn’t see coming
1. Mark
2. Four Children
3. Living in Rock Hill (hadn’t heard of it)
4. My big honking SUV
5. homeschooling

Five things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Well, today I was giving birth to our first son, Samuel.
2. Living in south Charlotte, NC
3. Driving a company car
4. Mourning the passing of my grandfather in mid-year (It doesn’t seem that long ago.)
5. Working as a high-flying insurance professional

Five things on my to-do list for today
1. Make sure the birthday decorations were up before dawn.
2. Fix Sam’s favorite dinner
3. Take the kids to the “paint your own pottery” place
4. Make sure Sam takes his math test
5. Get ready for tomorrow’s coop

Five things I will do when I am a millionaire
1. Buy my parents a house nearby
2. Pay off my sister’s college debt so she can move home again
3. Take care of Mark’s folks
4. Buy a used pick-up truck
5. Set aside multiple college funds

Five things I will never wear again
1. a leotard
2. green jelly shoes
3. my wedding dress
4. my Duran Duran button collection
5. my purple prom dress

Five of my favorite toys
1. My digital camera
2. My Macbook
3. The boys Legos
4. Sophie’s scooter
5. My Kitchenaid mixer

Five banes of my existence
1. naturally curly hair
2. rude people
3. migraines
4. Meg Ryan
5. actually putting away the laundry I’ve folded… can’t someone else do that?

Five things I wish I could spend more time doing
1. Reading my bible
2. scrapbooking
3. sewing
4. laughing
5. walking outside

Five unsuspecting people I’m tagging
Here’s where I find out if anyone actually reads this blog……..
1. Phoebe
2. Tas
3. Reeda
4. Angie
5. Mom
You can email me your replies…..

2 thoughts on “Oh No! I was tagged….

  1. Happy birthday to Sam!! I can’t believe you made him take a math test on his birthday. Then again, he was probably looking forward to it!

  2. Great little blog here. Happy belated Bday to your son. Jan Bdays are the best, for the best people… ok. so mine is Jan 13 and I may be a little bias. 😉 -lc

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