He has a sense of humor.

WILSON: “You know, McKenna said she went to Hawaii for vacation.”

MOM: “That’s a long way for a five year old to go for vacation. That was a real treat.”

WILSON: “So, how far is it to Hawaii anyway.”

MOM: “Gosh, it’s a least a day and a half by air from here. First you have to fly to Los Angeles in California; then you have to fly half way across the Pacific Ocean to a small group of islands… and hope the pilot doesn’t miss (sploosh).

MARK: (Muttered from the other room quietly…”Way to go … scare him to death.”)

WILSON: “That would not be good.” (pauses… gives a thoughtful look, followed by a sly grin) “Get out your snorkeling gear.” (insert evil chuckle here) “ha ha ha …”